Saturday, 17 January 2015

Is laundry a woman's job ?

Is laundry still a woman's job.? The society has developed from stone-age to modern age and men have understood relationships to a better extent, but when it comes to laundry - in most of the cases it is still left for women to complete, leaving behind an inequality among the duties of the couple. But, here is a fictitious story weaved around the life of a modern couple who look to learn from their neighbors.

     There was once a young couple, which moved into a new neighborhood and had introduced themselves to the neighborhood. The next morning, while they were having their breakfast while watching TV, the young woman saw her neighbor boy hang the wash outside.

Laundry - past vs present, Still a woman's job ?

    Laundry the word itself defines to dry the clothes washed, and for ages it has been a woman's job. According to the statistics presented where woman knows and feel the burden. I personally feel it is the problem of the woman who feels that men cannot wash and dry them out correctly and the clothes may fly away and lost.

   The women actually, should give a try and ask the men to do, when they do the laundry- they actually do it better than women as they take time and spread out evenly and dry them correctly as well as fold them neatly.

     Women who face this difficulty, it becomes their duty to train their son's to take up that job as it will be useful to them when they stay away from family during higher studies and when they abroad as they have to do it weather they like it or not. They need not feel the pain then.

Things that define me

"To define me are the words and images that are conducive to expansion an leads to success."

First of all I would like to define myself of all the different images a woman carries with her. Firstly born as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and additionally a professional by being a teacher.

P.C - Google images
      People in my town know me as a teacher who could teach children in a class in three different languages just to see a smile on the face of each and every student. The school in which I was working first, I had to teach the students basically in English language as it was the medium of instruction. But, noticing that no students understood what was taught as they were children of low economic status, and another set of students of the same class, which saw children of families migrated from the norther states of our country who could understand only Hindi. When I as a teacher, explained the less in Tamizh (Tamil) to the first set of children and in Hindi to the other set of children and then the whole class was made to be read in English, by both set of students. By this I satisfied both categories.